Thursday, 17 March 2016

Make your own Easter Tree.

It's lovely when there has been lots of grey wet winter days to start looking forwards to Spring.  Easter is another celebration that I look forward to, so I thought I would put Spring and Easter together for a craft for the people that enjoy crafting at The Beacon cafe where I volunteer.  This is such a easy and cheap craft I thought others might like to do it to - I'm doing it again on Friday with some women I meet with weekly.

What you need:

Twigs, I used willow but you could use any.
Air drying clay, this is heavy enough to keep the twigs stable.
A small container for the twigs, I used a little metal bucket from The Range
Assorted printed paper
decorative eggs, I used polystyrene from The Range.
Pritt stick glue
glue dots.
tissue paper


1. Put some glue dots around your container

2. Wrap with some lace ribbon
3. Put some pritt glue on the ribbon and wrap that around
4.  Put a piece of clay in the bottom of the container and put your sticks into it
5.  Make sure it balances okay
6.  Fold a sheet of paper about 1 inch as shown below and cut out a leaf shape from the fold, making sure that you don't cut the fold. Cut as many leaves as you want to.

7. Open the leaves out and glue one side

8. Wrap around your branches
9. Thread your eggs if they aren't already hangable

10. Wrap some crunched up tissue paper around the twigs on top of the clay

11.  Finish your tree of by decorating it with eggs

It's been nice doing something apart from crochet, as much as I love that of course.  I haven't been totally hook free, I have made myself a tea cosy, which I am totally in love with
Happy Crafting

Jane x.

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