Friday, 26 March 2021

Easter Hats

Hello, hello, yes I'm still here crafting away.  Not a lot has changed for me during the Covid lockdowns, I've had to buy materials on line and have missed meeting up with friends at garden centres but hey, I'm still here and very grateful for that.

I thought it was about time for another little free pattern.  I have fallen in love with a new yarn, it is King Cole, Forest Aran, a recycled yarn with flecks of colour in it.  I have purchased all of mine from the lovely Sam at Crafts of Thirsk. First I did a jumper for my hubs, then a tunic for myself, then a cardigan for myself and THEN a hat with left overs.  Well not just one hat as once you have started to write a pattern you then have to keep tweaking it and making sure it works.

Hopefully you will not find any mistakes but if you do then please let me know. 

Brimmed Flower Hat.

English Terms used throughout this pattern.

To make this hat you need to know how to chain stitch, make a magic ring, double crochet, slipstitch, double crochet increase, work in back loop only, work in front loop only and treble crochet.

Materials Required.

  • 2 balls of King Cole, Forest Aran, the pattern is worked with 2 strands so you can decide whether to use to colours the same or 2 different colours.
  • Oddments of yarn to make the flower band.
  • 4 mm hook
  • 2.75mm hook
  • scissors
  • darning needle to fasten in ends.


Make a magic circle, work 6 double crochet into the circle and pull closed.

TIP if you loose count of stitches easily you can place a marker on the first stitch of each new row.  I often just use the loose ends from my magic circle to place between the stitches as I start each new row. (6 stitches)

Row 1.  Two double crochet in each of the double crochet from the last round. (12 stitches)
Row 2.  *One double crochet in the first stitch, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around (18 stitches)
Row 3.  *One double crochet in the first 2 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 24 stitches)
Row 4. *One double crochet in the first 3 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 30 stitches)
Row 5. *One double crochet in the first 4 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 36 stitches)
Row 6. *One double crochet in the first 5 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 42 stitches)
Row 7. *One double crochet in the first 6 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 48 stitches)
Row 8. *One double crochet in the first 7 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 54 stitches)
Row 9. *One double crochet in the first 8 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 60 stitches)
Row 10. *One double crochet in the first 9 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 66 stitches)
Row 11. *One double crochet in the first 10 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 72 stitches)
Row 12. *One double crochet in the first 11 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 78 stitches)
Row 13. *One double crochet in the first 12 stitches, two double crochet in the next stitch* repeat all around ( 84 stitches)

TIP At this point the crown of your hat should measure approximately 16cm.  If your head circumference is bigger than 62cm, you may want to add another row at this point doing 13 double crochet then 2 double crochet in the next stitch, all around making 90 stitches in total.  If your head is smaller stop at row 12.

Row 14. Working in the back loop only work 85 double crochet around.

Row 15 - 34  one double crochet in each stitch around (84 stitches).

TIP Try your hat on at around row 25 and you will know whether it is going to fit or be to big/small.  My first 2 attempts had to be undone as like Goldilocks the first was too big the second to small!  There is no shame in undoing at this point back to row 13 and then adding or taking away another row.

Row 35. *One double crochet in the first stitch  and 2 double crochet in the next stitch FRONT LOOP only* work all the way around (126 stitches if you stopped the crown at 84).

Row 36 - 41 one double crochet in each stitch around.  When you have done your final stitch, slip stitch into the next stitch and finish off the end.

To make the flower band.

Using left over yarn and 2.75mm hook (or bigger if needed).

Chain 7 stitches, turn and work one double crochet in each each full chain - 6 stitches, make one slip stitch and turn,  keep working until your band is big enough to go around the outside of your hat. Finish after the last 6th stitch, use the end to sew the band together making sure you do not twist it.

Flowers - You can find a free rose pattern here. I made 3 of these flowers using just one strand of the King Cole aran and a 2mm hook, find what yarn size and hook you need by having a go.

At this point you could let your imagination go wild and do all sorts around the brim, I'm thinking I need to make some hellebores from this pattern on Ravelry which I have used in a Christmas wreath in the past.

I would love to see any of your creations.  Bye for now xx.

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