Friday, 21 December 2012

A New Wreath.

Today having finished all my Christmas presents I decided it was high time I refashioned my door wreath.  It has been looking tired for a few years now bu there has just been no time or money to change it.  This year, prompted by the lights dying yesterday, there has been time but no money, so to keep up with our thrifty Christmas I have been using up scraps and inspired by this post by the lovely Lucy I got crafting.  Now I knew I couldn't quite reach the dizzy heights with my crochet that Lucy did, however undeterred I went for it.

So here are the before and after pictures.



I can't tell you how happy doing this has made me - it feels really like it belongs to me now.  I am just hoping that it doesn't go the same way as my lovely wooden JOY, LOVE and PEACE sign which was stolen a few years ago!

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