Saturday, 19 January 2013

A bit of a baggy week.

I started off my week thinking hearts do you like these?
I used a new to me heart pattern which I found here, it is a really nice and simple pattern, I used the three row version and it got me practising my magic rings over and over again!  The great thing about making lots of a new pattern is I very quickly end up knowing it by heart (no pun intended) - such fun.

I ended up liking them so much that I decided to make a few sets to go in my shop if you click on the photo it takes you straight to their page in my shop

Once I had finished with the hearts then my mind turned to bags - I shouldn't try and find a link, it is just the way my mind works!

I finished the custom order bag for a friend

and also made one for myself - this is made out of plastic bags (haven't done this for a while) this time combined with recycled cotton yarn, it is perfect for putting my books in for the weekly bible study I go to!
The again for the shop I made these two little girls bags, they are so tiny and I so enjoyed hooking them together. (Again you can click the picture for the link to their page in my shop).

 It's a while since I have used beads, this bag makes me think of sweeties, they look quite delicious!

After these two quick makes I went for some bigger bags and making it up as I went along I came up with these two

It has been quite a busy week or so!  I have also started to think about Easter, (I know it is too early but when you are making it takes a while to get a stock!)  What do you think about these two items?
I found the basket here and the chick here - though I did adapt this one slightly to suit me.
I am so grateful to all the lovely people who post their patterns for free on the Internet, maybe one day I will get the skill to write down what I do so that I can do the same.  At the moment everything seems to be done so adhoc I can never properly copy it myself!

I found an interesting looking book this week as well

Crochet saved my life - after the week I have just had I am very much looking forward to reading this!

Happy Crafting.

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