Friday, 14 February 2014

The Benefits of Hooking.

I don't know about you but there are times in my life when I just need to hibernate away from the world for a little while.  Thanks to the joys of the internet and social networking, even when I physically need to withdraw, I can still feel as though I am staying in touch.

This week I have had a particularly tough week, the first anniversary since my mum took her own life on Monday and today would have been my little sisters 42nd birthday, she will though remain 36, taken far to young.

Without concious planning I purchased some new yarn from here which took a week to arrive.  That meant it arrived last weekend. So during my hibernation this week it has gone from this.....

 To this!!!!!!

I really am quite pleased with myself.  I found the yarn in a local shop, however they did not have enough to make the whole item, so I found it online and saved myself over £10.00 in the process.  I found the pattern for free on Ravelry.  I guessed the amount I would need by looking at a knitting pattern in the store.  This said I would need 10 x 100gms.  As it was I needed another 50gms - how annoying is that!  The yarn label said that I needed to use 6.5mm needles (hook).  However this is the one size that I do not have.  I first tried doing the gauge using a 7mm hook, but that looked to loose and was much bigger than the pattern.  I then tried a 6mm and this was spot on with the pattern gauge!

I have also realised that I have not been blogging, that does not mean I haven't been making.  At the top of the page you will see my first ever pair of socks that I have made!  And here is the second pair...

They are just perfect for keeping my feet warm in bed, my circulation seems to be going from bad to worse at the moment!

I also finally remembered to take a photo of my daughters jumper that I made her for Christmas.  This is made out of Sirdar chunky snowflake.  I had purchased the pattern (again a knitting pattern) on ebay for £1.00 (last of the big spenders).  I then used this as a guide, along with a fleece jumper my daughter already had which was the size I wanted.  She loves it (she had been nagging me for a while to make her a jumper) and that makes me very happy.  When I was buying the yarn the lady in the shop was amazed that I had a nearly 13 year old daughter who still wanted home-made clothes!  Anyway here it is....

 I do also have another project on the go - but that one is still a secret!

Happy Crafting.

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