Tuesday, 30 April 2013

More Daisies

After my last post I had some enquiries about the daisy chain about whether it would be suitable for young children.  That one
was made with a fine number 5 cotton which made it quite delicate, so I got out my trusty Debbie Bliss fairly traded eco-baby yarn and a thicker needle and started to play.  This is what I came up with

It is made up from 5 daisies, three with short stems, one with a long stem and one with both a short and a long
Starting with the double stemmed daisy you start to loop the short stemmed ones through, ending up with the remaining long stemmed one last, this gives two nice long pieces to tie together to make a crown or necklace.

I have packaged them all up as a little bouquet, if you are interested in buying them, then click on the picture below and it will take you straight to my Folksy shop.  But that is not all!

I then thought what fun it would be to have a whole garland of daisies, this time I didn't make them chain through each other but attached them all evenly to a one long green chain stitched stem!  This photo doesn't quite do it justice
So here is a close up of a few of the 8 daisies
They are also now all wrapped up and in my shop, again click on the photo below if you want to go see them there

I have also now finished the crochet part of my seat cushion for my bench
 Though I now rather like the look of it on my sofa!  And the creation of the back cushions is underway
I do so love playing with different colour combinations.

Happy Crafting x.

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