Sunday 6 October 2013

Back to the Crochet.

I have really enjoyed getting back into the swing of my crochet this last few weeks since finishing the wedding dress.  The first job to complete was a hat for one of my Godsons, I ended up making 3! The first one I thought looked to small, the second one he tried on and it was way to small.  Hopefully the third one which I have also fleece lined will fit.

The next project is to get ready for this event.  As well as helping to organise the layout I will be having a stall of my own at this event.  This is the first time anything like this has been done and it seems to have just taken on a life of it's own.  We now have over 13 individuals selling items, lots of demonstrations as well as workshops for people to have a go at crafts as well.  I am really looking forward to it.

I had a couple of nice balls of British wool that I picked up earlier this year which I wanted to make something out of and of course there was then the desire to get some more to go with it.  I found these lovely colours in a British wool made from Blue Faced Leicester sheep.  Isn't it gorgeous

Proper Autumnal, these then got me thinking that I really needed to replace my SPRING garland which was still on my fireplace!  Leaves I thought, and much searching around on Pinterest and Google images, I started to get an idea of how I was going to do it.

I also did a little playing around with a rose pattern I had already collected on Pinterest, so a productive morning was spent and I had this to show for it.

The individual leaves that I did for the garland are slightly smaller than the rose ones.  Using a chain of 12 rather than 14 on the roses.  Would you like to see the final garland?

I am so pleased with it and fortunately still have my lovely Autumn coloured flowers that were a gift for doing the wedding dress.  Looking at the whole area makes me smile.

I was then lucky enough to get another day to myself yesterday and so got going with some more of these gorgeous colours.

I have now realised that I can nicely divide my stall into three to areas, one filled with my fairly traded cotton goodies like the hats (that I will now try and sell), one with my British wool and one with my recycled yarn bits and pieces.  I have been making some Minion apple/chocolate orange cosy's - this picture is not great but it gives you an idea of what they look like

Hopefully this week should be another good hooky one!

Happy Crafting x.

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