Monday, 4 November 2013

Craft and Cake.

I mentioned in my last post that I was busy getting ready for a craft fair, the first of it's kind that our church were organising.  I'm pleased to say that it went very well.  It was tremendous to see so many people from the community coming along with their families.  The children's activities went down very well, as did the coffee and cake.  This was not a fund raising event and therefore it was free entry and donations could be given if desired for the tea and cake.  Some did and some didn't donate, and that was all just fine - it turned out we did make a good profit which will of course be put into church funds and help cover the costs of lighting etc that were used to put on the event.  Here are a few photo's

 Cards, scarves and patchwork.

 Jewellery with semi-precious stones.

 My crochet stall!

 Knitted Christmas tree decorations and fabric crafts.

 More jewellery

Make your own bracelet.

 A huge assortment of different yarn and fabric crafts.


 Christmas treats.

Amazing wooden reindeer.

 Weaving demonstrations.

 Childrens crafts.

A spinning demonstration.

And the obligatory face painting :o).

There was a whole lot more and as you can see everyone seems to be having a lot of fun.  I wonder if we might do it again next year???????

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