Thursday, 7 May 2015

Clergy Tops, fab fabric and little birdies.

Meet Sheena our lovely associate vicar!  What do you think of her super funky clergy top?  Made by yours truly of course!  This was another first for me, Sheena had asked me whether I could make something similar to a top she already had, I had a look at it, found a new organic fabric supplier of jersey (and lots of other lovely fabric you will see more photo's later!), the Organic Textile Company and got on with it.  There were some other firsts in this project, I had never made my own paper pattern before, never done an invisible zip (even had to buy a new foot for my machine) and never knew I had a good overlock stitch on my machine!

Here are a few more pictures

I am very much hoping I might be able to generate some more order after all I have learnt on this journey!

I have also been altering wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses.  These are for two different weddings which just happen to be on the same day!  I can't show any pictures yet as that would give secrets away.

I also got an order last week for a car seat inner to make with a newborn headrest, the fabric has been purchased and as soon as it arrives I shall be getting on with another job.  It was very funny seeing my children's faces when I walked into the house with an empty baby car seat, my daughter especially thought I might have something to tell them - lol.  These are the fabrics that have been chosen, I shall be using a combination of them to make a couple of sets

this one is a lovely cotton

this one a cotton/bamboo mix
and this one a single cotton jersey the same as that used for the clergy top
While ordering this I have also ordered this lovely cotton to make a blouse for my lovely second mum in law..

Another lovely thing about this organic shop is they sell organic cotton thread for my sewing machine, it really is lovely to work with.

Other crafty news this week, we had our second church cafe, the Beacon this week and I got lots and lots of interest in the crafts I had on offer.  The take home craft was sun catcher making

and I also started off some charity knitting and crochet....

These will be squares that any one can pick up and do a few rows of, eventually I intend to crochet them together to make a blanket for one of the charities that our church supports.  As you can see a few people got involved and lots were very enthusiastic about it.

I have also finally got round to properly blocking these two cardigans, the first one is for a 3 - 6 month old and is crocheted from my own design with fairtrade cotton, the second is a small newborn knitted with fairtrade cotton.

I couldn't believe my luck when I went button shopping, I am sure these are going to look fabulous finishing these garments off, now just need to muster myself to do the sewing on job!

And today I have finished off with a bit of hooky.  I have finally finished six sets of these lovely little rainbow birds ready for my next craft fair, £2.00 each or 5 for £8.00 - a bargain!!!!


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